Monday, August 13, 2012

Week Off

I decided that we would take this week off from homeschooling. We have done 8 weeks of "school" so it just seemed like maybe it would be time to take a break. I can't help but laugh a little because our first day off doesn't look very different from a typical school day. We spent close to an hour reading this morning, we went to the library, and now the kids are sitting listening to a book on tape while they color which will be followed up by painting and then afternoon chores. The only difference has been we didn't sit down and do a formal math, phonics, and handwriting lessons this morning. 

I love that though. I love that there isn't a huge disconnect between "school" and "home". I love that learning activities are what the kiddos like to do for fun. And I love that they are learning even on days we don't try. Yep, I am pretty sold on this whole homeschool thing...

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