Saturday, November 3, 2012

a month of {gratitude} day 3

Today I am so thankful for the one on one time I get with my kiddos. Nick and I have tried to be even more intentional lately about making sure each of us gets time one on one with our kids. We used to do it a little less often because I think we felt we had to plan big special things or go somewhere "just for fun". And then we realized that our kids get just as excited about running to the grocery store with just one of us or going to get the oil on the car changed. Awesome!

Last night I wanted to run to Target last night so after dinner I asked Max if he wanted to go with me. His eyes lit up and he said, "I have been wanting us to go on a special date!" It was so sweet how talkative he was in the car. He usually spends most of his time in the car talking to his sister so with Mom as the only option I got his full attention. I loved hearing what was on his heart. At one point he was telling me all about how he loves to serve God and wants to always help people... and he plans on doing that as an adult by becoming a legendary super ninja (how much fun are 6 year olds!?) Since he was so talkative in the car and I wanted to hear more I had us stop off in the Starbucks in Target and enjoy some hot chocolate/lattes and sit and chat awhile longer. Then I got my shopping done and afterwards I let him peruse the toy aisle at his own pace. He probably spent over 30 minutes just looking at things. (We avoid toy aisles and toy stores like the plague around here so this was a TREAT!)

We got home kinda late so Jack was already in bed and Soph was on her way up. We decided to let Max stay up and play a board game with us. It was so sweet to get such special time with my favorite 6 year old yesterday. I love spending time with all of my kiddos but I also love getting them all by themselves and hearing their hearts and getting to see them for just who they are.

I am so thankful to God for creating each of my children as complete individuals. All three of them (and no doubt #4 will not be the exception) are so different. It is awesome! So thankful for time to get to just enjoy their uniqueness every once in awhile.

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